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Showing posts from 2017


OWFI IS CELEBRATING OUR 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATING OUR LEGACY, FORGING OUR FUTURE May 4 &, 2018 Once again, I am happy to serve as OWFI’s Banquet Table's Reservation Chair Person. There is a MAJOR CHANGE in TABLE RESERVATIONS this year! All table reservations will be made ONLINE ONLY. Reservations will open online on Nov 1, 2017. The maximum number of tables a group or individual may reserve is a total of TWO. We have a limited number of tables available for reservations.  Table reservations are $20 per table, per night. Table reservations are a fund raiser. Tables are not reserved, or assigned, by OWFI officers for individuals or groups. Every person registered for the banquets is guaranteed a seat. You do not need to reserve a table to be seated at the banquet. My crew, and I, will personally assist everyone in finding a place.  You may want to reserve a table if you have several people in your group who wish to sit together. If you have extra...

Speech to Text

I have this love-hate relationship with my speech-to-text programs. I've tried several free programs. I bought Dragon Naturally Speaking for the computer. It's expensive, has a lot of commands, and is reasonably easy to navigate. Honestly, most of the free StT programs seem to work as well as the expensive ones. The free speech to text provided on my phone is more accurate than the free one on my computer. The text I speak into the computer is not always the text that appears on the page. Sometimes, I just want to shout, "Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?" Sometimes, the computer's translations of the words coming out of my mouth are more interesting. The phone's StT program usually types exactly what I say. Unfortunately, the microphone goes off every time I pause for longer than 5 seconds. The phone speech to text doesn't recognize commands for quotation marks. In fact, it doesn't recognize any commands other ...
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My dreams are so vivid I see tiny details. Last night I could see the style of plug on an FBI agent's computer, a modem sitting dangerously close to a fish tank, and the sweat stain on the rim of a cowboy hat hanging, on a peg on the wall, near the back door. I could hear the creak of a basement door, the thud of someone falling down the basement stairs, and country music muddling the whine of a drunk woman, at the bottom of those stairs, crying for help. I could smell the chicken frying in the kitchen, a threat of rain on a cool breeze, and horses grazing in a field of fresh cut hay. Most of all, I could feel the sadness of a young woman seeing a lost love in the arms of another. I could feel the jealousy bubbling up inside her like the potatoes boiling in the pot next to the frying chicken. I could feel the anger bottled deep within her gut. I could feel the satisfaction of that anger being released, into the dark vastness of that basement, as she slammed the door. Stil...

Writer's Workshop

Recently, I had an opportunity to judge a local Fan Fiction Writing Contest sponsored by Southern Oaks Library. The talent exhibited by the young authors participating in the competition was impressive and humbling.  The awards will be presented, Saturday, April 01, 2017. As a part of the Writing Program offered by Southern Oaks Library, I will be presenting a Writing Workshop: Story Building Blocks: The ABCs of Story Structure  Saturday, April 08, 2017 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM    Learn everything you need to know about the craft of Story Structure, and how to build ANY story in 15 easy steps. Then actually build a story, from beginning to end.  Ages: 15 & up. Whether you write Non-Fiction, Fan-Fiction, Genre fiction, Short Stories or Epic Novels, Story Building Blocks: The ABCs of Story Structure  will guide you through a Three Act Story Structure you can use, as a blueprint for building a strong ...