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Showing posts from September, 2017


OWFI IS CELEBRATING OUR 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATING OUR LEGACY, FORGING OUR FUTURE May 4 &, 2018 Once again, I am happy to serve as OWFI’s Banquet Table's Reservation Chair Person. There is a MAJOR CHANGE in TABLE RESERVATIONS this year! All table reservations will be made ONLINE ONLY. Reservations will open online on Nov 1, 2017. The maximum number of tables a group or individual may reserve is a total of TWO. We have a limited number of tables available for reservations.  Table reservations are $20 per table, per night. Table reservations are a fund raiser. Tables are not reserved, or assigned, by OWFI officers for individuals or groups. Every person registered for the banquets is guaranteed a seat. You do not need to reserve a table to be seated at the banquet. My crew, and I, will personally assist everyone in finding a place.  You may want to reserve a table if you have several people in your group who wish to sit together. If you have extra...