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Showing posts from 2015

Who is writing Nina Dobrev off The Vampire Diaries?

Rumor has it Nina Dobrev is leaving   The Vampire Diaries .   They've set up a scenario in which, the now human, Elena Gilbert ( Nina Dobrev ) could be killed off in the next episode, "I'm Thinking of You All the While", the Season 6 Finale, May 14, 2015.      SPOILER ALERT : Tonight's episode, "I'll Wed You in the Golden Summertime", ended with Elena on the floor, surrounded by shattered glass, looking dead, again.    Can the show survive without Elena Gilbert?  The entire story revolves around the love triangle between Stefan Salvatore ( Paul Wesley ), Elena, and Stefan's brother, Damon Salvatore ( Ian Somerhalder ). Damon's supernatural outburst of intense grief may hold the audience's interest for the first three or four episodes of Season 7. Interest could be piqued even longer if Damon is forced to hunt down Kai Parker ( Christopher Charles Wood ) before annihilating him in the most gruesome fashion al...

Hugo, No Go

There has been a lot of backlash, bitching, and bulling over the 2015 Hugo Award Nominations.  I am so sad over this whole Sad Puppy shit.  Frankly, my dears, I don't give a damn about an author's politics. If I am offended by their writing, I will not continue to purchase said writing. No one forces anyone to read anything that offends them.  No author should encourage censorship.  I don't know if the nominations were fair, on the up and up, or deserve a big boo from the peanut gallery. I do know they got a couple of the nominations right.  Congratulations to a few fellows I know personally, like profoundly, and admire professionally:   Jim Butcher, Lou Antonelli, Mike Resnick, Jim Minz, and Brad W. Foster.  Y'all rock! Good luck! My favorite nominations for the 2015 Hugo Awards: Best Novel: Skin Game , Jim Butcher (Orbit UK/Roc Books) Best Short Story: “On A Spiritual Plain” , Lou Antonelli ( Sci Phi J...

Norman Galaxy of Writers' Meeting, Saturday March 14 2015

10 am at University Lutheran Church, 914 Elm. Please park in the back. Festivities will begin at 10 am. Join us and bring guests. All meetings are free and open to the public. Milton Smith will share some insights on photography from a writer’s point of view. March white elephant/April poetry slam. April is National Poetry Month. Those who wish to participate should bring one wrapped white elephant object to the March meeting and you can unwrap someone else’s object. You have one month to write a poem about it to read at the April meeting. Maximum 16 lines. Everyone reads their poem and a certificate will be awarded to the best one.

It's all about the story.

Whether you write fiction or non-fiction, picture books or erotica, religious or super-natural books, the one thing they all have in common is STORY.   Even a non-fiction book needs to tell a STORY.   If it doesn't tell a story, then it falls into the boring, only going to be read as a requirement, academic text book category. Sometimes writers get so caught up in telling the story that we lose sight of what STORY is really about. Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines STORY as: 1.       archaic a: history; to narrate or describe in story 2 :   an account of incidents or events b :   a statement regarding the facts pertinent to a situation in question c :   anecdote ; especially :   an amusing one 3. :   a fictional narrative shorter than a novel; specifically :   short story b :   the intrigue or plot of a narrative or dramatic work 4:   a widely circulated rumor 5: ...