I've been missing in action for the last two weeks.
Not actually missing. Just not productive.
Haven't written a word in two weeks. Haven't updated the website, or blog. Haven't really done much around the house.
I did clean the coat
closet in the front hall yesterday.
Tossed 25 years of junk.
I have a hard time letting
go of things.
The older something is,
the tighter I hold onto it.
I've still got emails from
2009 in my inbox. Well, most of those are in folders not actually cluttering up
my inbox. Most of them could be trashed. Along with a huge collection of half written—never
will be finished—stories on my computer, in notebooks scattered all around my
house, and rambling around inside my head.
I can't seem to let go of
old stories, or old story ideas. I may find a home for them somewhere. Someday.
The problem is, I'm lousy
at keeping track of where and when I've released them into the wild. I can't
enter any of my old stuff into contests, because I can't remember which ones
have already won in which contests. So, I always have to write something new.
New is always good.
I'll be working on something new for the Oklahoma Romance Writer's Guild Cupid Awards contest for unpublished Romance short stories.
Contest Open to Submissions: September 1, 2022
Deadline: October 1, 2022
OKRWG also has an upcoming 2022 Heart Awards Contest for published Romance novels or novellas.
Contest Open to Submissions: November 1, 2022
Deadline: December 1, 2022
Hopefully my current WIP
will be completed and published by Dec 1, 2022.
Progress on it is much
slower than I had planned.
Everyday I remind myself:
1. Keep writing.
Practice may not always make perfect, but it certainly makes better.
2. Every step forward is one step closer to achieving goals.
Always remember how far you have come, instead of looking at how far you have left to go.3. Read. Write. Edit. Submit.
You will not be published, if you do not submit!
4. Done is better than perfect.
Make it as perfect as possible. Then let it go. Let it go. Let it go to an editor, contest or publisher.
5. "Never give up, never surrender!"
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